If you make the wrong moves, this could lead to a lot of basic errors that will negatively affect your sex life. Mistakes are costly! Ranking in the top three love making mistakes men make is...
1) Neglecting Foreplay to Enjoy Intercourse Sooner
Gentlemen, you probably already know that it requires a bit of work to make your woman scream, squirm and squirt in the bedroom. That is if you aim to please her.
It can take a female up to 15 minutes to climax. Can you keep going for that long by pure intercourse alone? If not then you'll have to stimulate her body with foreplay instead, learn how to last longer in bed.
People in a relationship (especially men) tend to neglect foreplay so they can begin to enjoy intercourse sooner, but did you know that foreplay is actually said to intensify orgasms?
That's right. If you kiss, caress and touch longer, you can make your lovemaking even more satisfying.
2) Fail to Stimulate the Sensitive Areas on a Woman's Body
There are five sensitive areas on a woman's body that will stimulate her when worked properly by kissing or caressing. These are the ear lobes, neck, nipples, clitoris and the "G" spot.
She might have to help you find the G- spot but as a general guide the G-spot is actually a zone, rather than an actual 'spot.' The G-spot is located about 2 inches inside the vagina on the topside. (On the underside of her stomach.)
When you find it you'll know, a female can quite literally lose control of her limbs. Don't be surprised if you get kneed in the face or get elbowed as she moans in ecstasy.
3) Make it Last, Don't Cut Her Short
Yes indeed, you need to slow down and take your time. If you want to make it even better, tease her in a playful way. (This works like crazy.)
If you find something that she really enjoys, stop doing it, move back for a moment, and then do it again. The more you pull back and push forward, the more she'll want it and the more intense her experience will be. There are many games you can play together in order to heighten this anticipation.
Please Don't Let it Get You Down
Guys often feel "unmanly" if they can't satisfy their woman from intercourse. But what they need to understand is that a large number of women don't achieve orgasm through normal lovemaking.
Just knowing this takes a lot of pressure off men. Now there's no need to get upset when your women dosen't reach orgasm. Instead, men can master the art of going down on a woman.
If you want more indepth information on having great sex and giving women incredible pleasure, check out Michael Webb's book, you won't regret it.
The Virtuoso Lover